Markup Environment API
Markup Environment
The markup environment are the functions and macros available inside a .mdz file. While
you can import other modules, these forms are made available by default.
anchor api-docs api-index asciinema bigger blockquote center code codeblock gist hr html image instagram link section smaller tag vimeo youtube
anchorfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 29, column 1
(anchor name & content)
Create an in-page anchor for a local link.
api-docsfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 174, column 1
(api-docs module &opt prefix)
Generate docs for a given module. Returns a node.
api-indexfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 185, column 1
(api-index module &opt prefix)
Generate an index for the given docs.
asciinemafunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 105, column 1
(asciinema id & args)
Embed an asciinema video into your site
biggerfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 25, column 1
(bigger content)
blockquotefunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 56, column 1
(blockquote content)
Define a block quote
centerfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 65, column 1
(center content)
Center some content
codefunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 27, column 1
(code content)
codeblockfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 34, column 1
(codeblock lang &opt source)
Inline code or codeblock
gistfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 99, column 1
(gist user-and-id)
Embed a github gist
hrfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 20, column 1
Add a horizontal rule
htmlfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 70, column 1
(html source)
Embed some raw html
imagefunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 61, column 1
(image src alt)
instagramfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 118, column 1
(instagram id)
Add an instagram link in the page
linkfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 45, column 1
(link url &opt content)
Create an anchor link
sectionfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 50, column 1
(section name content)
Create a section. Usually used to embed different parts of the content document into different parts of the main page.
smallerfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 26, column 1
(smaller content)
tagfunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 14, column 1
(tag name content)
Wrap some content in an html tag. If you need attributes or other properties, you may want to use raw HTML via the html function.
vimeofunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 87, column 1
(vimeo id)
Add an embedded vimeo video in the page
youtubefunctionmendoza/markup-env.janet at line 75, column 1
(youtube id)
Add an embedded youtube video in the page